4 Scenarios Where Backup and Disaster Recovery is Optimal

February 25, 2015

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b2ap3_thumbnail_save_your_business_with_backup_400.jpgThere are a number of disasters which could hamper your business’s continuity, but the most dangerous ones occur when you least expect it. Despite this, it’s not always clear that your business needs a data backup and disaster recovery solution until it’s too late. You stand to lose everything your business has worked so hard for by ignoring potential threats, many of which can be prevented by simple proactive measures.

At CTN Solutions, we’re all about taking advantage of technology to protect businesses like yours from crippling disasters. Our Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution is designed to help you stay in business even when you think you can’t go on.

Hardware Failures
The most glaringly obvious disaster that could happen to your business is a hardware failure. Technology isn’t meant to last forever, and it can be difficult judging when its time is up. If a server were to bite the dust due to lackluster maintenance practices or simple old-age hardware failure, you could lose countless files in the process. That’s not even mentioning the amount of cash you’ll fork over for a new unit, and the downtime left in its wake is the icing on the cake.

This is why it’s so important to utilize a BDR solution. In the event of a hardware failure, the BDR solution can act as a temporary server for your business. This lets you focus on acquiring a new server unit, or migrating your infrastructure to a virtual server in the cloud, without worrying about the immediate downtime following a disaster. A big project like this should be handled by professionals, so make sure to give CTN Solutions a call to find out how you can take advantage of virtualization.

Natural Disasters
Believe it or not, natural disasters do happen, and they can be detrimental to your business. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes can all destroy expensive equipment which is vital to your business’s operations. If this equipment is destroyed, you’ll be stuck in a position akin to hardware failure, where you’ll be forced to deal with excessive downtime and loss of data.

That is, if you’re not using a BDR solution. With this device, your business’s data is backed up externally and internally, multiple times a day, making sure that your data is always redundant. Following the disaster, you’ll be able to use these backups to get back in business with minimal data loss.

One of the more likely disasters for your business could be the result of a hacker either infiltrating your network or throwing malware your way. Viruses and malware have varying degrees of damage, with the worst potentially disabling your technology and making it unusable. Sometimes it’s easier to get rid of a problem like this by wiping your system completely. However, this solution also wipes out any data that was being stored on the system.

The only true solution to this issue is to use the BDR to recover your lost information from the last clean backup taken. This helps you recover from a machine-wiping disaster fairly easily, again, with minimal downtime and data loss.

User Error
Just when you thought you had all of your bases covered, a staff member can go in and save over an important file or corrupt a critical spreadsheet. Whether this is an act of malevolence or an honest mistake, it’s important to have your data backed up so a simple restore can save your day.

These are just four common scenarios where CTN Solutions’s BDR solution is helpful. For more information on how to take advantage of a BDR for your business’s data infrastructure, give us a call at (610) 828- 5500. You’ll know that in the event of the worst, your data is being handled by the best.


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Phone: (610) 828-5500


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