CTN Supports Kelly’s Kidz

November 12, 2021

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CTN Solutions purchased trucks, games, dolls, books, sleeping bags, and more for Kelly’s Kidz in November. This ongoing fundraiser collects toys for the patients of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, in Philadelphia. CTN’s favorite traffic reporter Bob Kelly of Fox29 and Kelly’s Kidz, Inc. are dedicated to empowering the community to fund resources needed for children in pediatric hospital settings.

Social responsibility is a very important core value of CTN, whereby time, talent, and treasure are contributed to charitable causes, both locally and globally. Proud to partner with Kelly’s Kidz, Joan Klinger and Lauren Machita recently delivered the donations to Bob at Chickie’s and Pete’s in Audubon, PA.



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CTN Solutions

Address: 610 Sentry Pkwy, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (610) 828-5500


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