Enhancing Mobility Can Bring Stark Benefits

September 26, 2019

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For a growing business, mobility has a distinct place. It isn’t all about using a phone for productivity, or having access to tools when you are out of the office, it is a philosophical decision to get the most out of your company’s data. Let’s look at the ways that enhanced mobility can benefit your professional services firm.

As we said before, giving your staff smartphones isn’t really strategically planning to improve your business. Of course, you aren’t going to make that kind of major investment if you think that you won’t see a strong return. Ultimately, when people talk about the mobility of a business, they are generally talking about the way that people interact with the company when they aren’t at the company. For the modern business there are two ways your business can work to actually improve mobility. They are:

Operational mobility and staff mobility. Today, we will go into what each means and how they apply to the modern small business.

Operational Mobility

Say your business does business with regional companies and customers. In the past, your salespeople would be dispatched to call on people that would then call in any orders to a person that would file the work order. This was standard operating procedure for decades. Today, operations are working faster thanks to mobility. Instead of having to call in an order, customers utilize web interfaces and mobile apps to order the goods and services they need. This allows companies to cut down on their payroll costs and automate major parts of product or service delivery, by cutting out inefficiencies and mistakes. 

More than that, operational mobility allows companies working in service delivery to track the efficiency and effectiveness of the jobs being undertaken, the procurement of resources, and the billing cycle using a single easy-to-use software. These tools, typically powered by automation or the Internet of Things, cuts down on wasted time. This is not only beneficial for your operational efficiency, it also is noticed by the consumer, who wants a vendor they can rely on to give them the most value for their investment.

Staff Mobility

Staff mobility can mean one of two things, but they are both important. Staff mobility describes the ability for people to work where they are, or outside the organization. With tools such as cloud computing and Virtual Private Networks, it is possible for any worker that needs access to centralized resources while they are outside of the workplace to have complete and unimpeded access to those resources, without complicating or compromising security.

The other staff mobility is managing people who are looking to move up in the organization. Today, with the use of powerful management software, organizations can set up key performance indicators and other analytics to help management make personnel decisions with more accuracy. Business moves fast and to keep your staff engaged and focused on your company’s initiatives, having a system that rewards staff for good performance is key to keeping your best employees. 

If you want to build the kind of business that keeps growing year after year because it does things the right way, ensure that mobility is a big part of your strategy going forward. Reach out to us at CTN Solutions today for more information about how to incorporate mobility into your business plan. 


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