How Much TLC Does Your IT Need?

October 25, 2019

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Technology is a requirement in today’s businesses – but just having technology isn’t nearly enough. Be sure to perform proper maintenance activities as well, to prolong the useful life of your solutions. Here, we’ll review a few basics to keeping your technology solutions ready for your use and how we can help with that.

Network Monitoring Makes Upkeep Much Easier

It’s a pretty well-established fact that technology solutions need regular maintenance performed on them. After all, if they didn’t, CTN Solutions wouldn’t have very much to do. In order for your solutions to work efficiently and reliably, someone needs to be tasked with monitoring your network. While you could hire an internal employee to handle your IT support needs, one person isn’t going to be enough to manage an entire business’s IT concerns and figure out how to improve the business’s use of technology. After all, these aren’t exactly activities that can be done simultaneously – and what if that person isn’t in the office when there’s a big issue? Perish the thought.

However, with our network monitoring and management services supporting them, your internal team members can focus their time on projects and improvements to implement. Because our team will be monitoring your network and solutions for issues, your team just won’t have to worry about it.

Updates Will Be Handled

Until a particular solution reaches its end-of-life, software developers generally don’t stop improving upon the titles they release. Patches and larger updates resolve security and functionality issues. The trouble is, will your employees know when an update is available in order to apply it?

The CTN Solutions team makes it our business to know such things, and with the access afforded to us by a managed service agreement, we can step in and install these updates when it is appropriate – even doing so after hours to ensure that there is minimal impact to your productivity. That way, you really don’t have to worry about anything – your team can just continue on with business as usual.

You’ll Have a Resource to Assist You With Upgrades

It always helps to turn to an expert when you have a decision to make, and this is no less true when contemplating the next technologies you plan to implement. As we mentioned above, developers and manufacturers eventually abandon their products in favor of those developed and/or designed more recently, and for good reason, too. Newer solutions will have better security features, will run more efficiently, and generally be more beneficial to your business.

CTN Solutions can help you decide which technology is your best option to adopt next, taking your current IT infrastructure, upgrade schedules, and most pressing needs in mind as a strategy is devised. Plus, our relationships with assorted vendors means we might get a deal that you wouldn’t have access to independently.

If any of these solutions interest you, reach out to us to learn more. In fact, reach out anyway… we have plenty more to offer than the small list of examples we covered here. Give CTN Solutions a call at (610) 828- 5500 today!


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CTN Solutions

Address: 610 Sentry Pkwy, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (610) 828-5500


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