Let Us Coordinate All of Your Technology Vendors So You Don’t Have To!

March 24, 2016

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b2ap3_thumbnail_manage_vendor_relationship_400.jpgWhen it comes to technology, it’s often difficult to understand how every bit of it fits into a complete IT infrastructure. In fact, if you were to ask your staff to communicate with your technology vendors, would they know how to do so? Understanding where your technology comes from, namely your vendors, is an important part of streamlining your business’s operations.

The typical business relies on several vendors and the products they distribute, all in order to keep operations moving forward at a respectable pace. However, organizations that don’t know how to approach their vendors, or aren’t invested in achieving the most profitable relationship with them as possible, will find themselves and their budget limited. Knowing which vendors your business can benefit from is only the first step to success. In order to fully leverage the goods and services rendered from multiple different vendors, communicating with them is essential. This is where vendor management services, like those that CTN Solutions offers, excel.

What is Vendor Management?
When we talk about vendor management, we’re talking about a third party who is responsible for anything vendor-related within your business. This could be anything from hardware and software procurement to communicating with tech support on a client’s behalf. Vendor management allows this third party to act as a single point of contact for your business, so you don’t have to contact every vendor individually.

The Benefits of Vendor Management
Vendor management might seem impersonal on your part, but we assure you that it’s the best way to approach your company’s technology. Here are three of the most useful benefits that your business can reap from vendor management:

  • Single point of contact: If your business takes advantage of multiple solutions from several different vendors, you realize that communicating with so many different companies can be both time-consuming and annoying. By taking advantage of vendor management, you only have to contact one party.
  • No more annoying product support: Let’s face it; dealing with vendor tech support all of the time can be outright annoying and infuriating, especially if you’re working with people who are just plain impossible to communicate with. By having a third party handle all communications with a vendor, you know that whenever you need assistance, it will come from the friendly professionals at CTN Solutions.
  • Stay informed about pricing or services rendered: Some vendors will change their prices or service offerings based on the demand for their services. This can break your budget if you’re not aware of the latest changes in their policies. By outsourcing your vendor management, a third party keeps tabs on what’s happening with a vendor, so you always get the best return on investment for your payments.

In the end, vendor management services are designed to make your life easier through outsourcing responsibilities you don’t have time for to professionals whose sole duty is to assist your business. For more information about vendor management, give CTN Solutions a call at (610) 828- 5500.


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CTN Solutions

Address: 610 Sentry Pkwy, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (610) 828-5500


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