Monitoring Your Network is a Great Way to Build Reliability

March 25, 2019

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There are certain processes within an organization that take a considerable amount of time to do. These include applying patches, monitoring network traffic, and updating software as needed. While it might seem like something your business can handle on its own, some small organizations struggle to accomplish everything they set out to do–especially with a limited budget or workforce. Our staff’s powerful monitoring and management tool can aid in this initiative.

The Everyday Situation
Small business owners know all about the pains of working with limited resources. More often than not, they don’t have a dedicated IT department to handle their operational needs. They instead rely on other employees to pick up the slack when it’s necessary. In cases like this, employees are often not trained on how to do specific tasks, meaning that any attempts to apply patches, update software, or other responsibilities run the risk of being done improperly or irregularly.

Furthermore, small businesses that do have an in-house IT department likely have a small one–maybe one or two technicians at the most–who have their hands full with countless little tasks, whether it’s helping someone set up an email account or resetting someone’s password. They might not have time to think about the important tasks, like making sure the latest vulnerability is patched to every single device on the network.

How This Helps
One of the major benefits of remote maintenance comes from its namesake–the word “remote.” The technicians don’t have to be on-site to administer the maintenance needed. They can be either in the office scheduling automatic updates, or they can be across the country. Either way, the result is that it gets done with minimal involvement on your part.

Your devices can also be monitored for suspicious activity. This is helpful if you have employees who work remotely. For example, with CTN Solutions technicians watching over your network, you can be alerted if someone with a suspicious IP address logs into your network.

To learn more about how you can implement, and automate, your network and infrastructure management, reach out to us at (610) 828- 5500.


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Address: 610 Sentry Pkwy, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (610) 828-5500


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