A Strong and Secure Password Policy

January 18, 2021

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CTN recommends a strong password policy. Passwords must meet the complexity requirements outlined below and must not be shared. Each member of your staff should change passwords with these conditions in mind:

  • Include at least eight (8) characters.
  • Choose words or phrases that cannot be easily guessed.
  • Use a combination of at least one character from each of these types:
    • English uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • English lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Base 10 digits (0-9)
    • Non-alphanumeric (for example, ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & *)

Also note, it is wise to change a password every 90 days.


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CTN Solutions

Address: 610 Sentry Pkwy, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (610) 828-5500


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