Safe Online Holiday Shopping

December 16, 2022

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If you’re still in the midst of getting together all of you presents this holiday season, continue to keep in mind safe online shopping. As the holidays draw closer, and people find something special online, they are quick to check out their shopping cart with unknown possibilities that it could be an unsafe website or have malicious links. People feel rushed to buy anything online that’ll come just in time. Hackers know this is their time to attempt stealing people’s financial information. Most people are also unaware of the risks in choosing to use a debit card at checkout. Although we need to check things off our lists as soon as possible for our loved ones, it is important to keep in mind proper cybersecurity tactics and be aware of sites you choose to shop on.

It has become more common for online shoppers to be hacked when using your debit card at check out. What a lot of people don’t know is that using a debit card puts yourself at risk of fraud or debt. It is recommended that you use a credit card instead to avoid these problems. Making use of applications like PayPal or credit cards will provide more protection to your bank accounts.

Other measures online shoppers always should take, especially this time of year, are listed below:

  1. How to recognize secure and insecure websites
  2. How to recognize phishing emails and dangerous attachments
  3. How to use secure passwords
  4. What information to never share while shopping.

Follow these cybersecurity practices and take your time at check-out. Hackers are aware of the spike in online shopping this time of year, so they will prey on using many tricks to steal your information. As the days dwindle down to the holidays and you successfully check gifts off your lists, make sure you also used all safe practices during this holiday season.


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