Tech Salary Trends

May 24, 2022

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The most recent years has seen a trend increase in salary for tech positions. Ever since COVID-19 hit, its no surprise that the need for tech experts and security drastically increased throughout many businesses as they transitioned from an in- person environment to a remote or hybrid. From the past two years, the salary trend has continued to grow as technology advances and becomes more of a need than a want for businesses.

Between 2020 and 2021, the average technologist salary increased 6.9%. This made the average tech salary in 2021 $104,566. As we all know, the world is filled with uncertainty. Demand for just about anything has risen, especially the need to hire more technologists who can fix a technological problem that a business can and will face. Therefore, this number will most likely increase again once we look back at what the trend is in 2022. Unfortunately, this talent is hard to find and staff. Some organizations have to resort to training their current tech employees to knowing more about the tech world and its fast-paced advancements.

New York City is one of the major tech hubs in the country. This state has a current salary average of $115.52 and is expected to grow significantly within 2022. Other top cities include Boston, Baltimore/ D.C., Atlanta, Denver, Austin, San Diego, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, and Seattle.

In specific occupations, there are a few that recently grew higher than most in demand, raising their average salary. Some occupations who recently have the fastest growing salaries include a Web Developer (+21.3%), Technical Support Engineer (+$12.4%), Database Administrator (+12.4%), Data Analyst (+11.5%), UX/UI Designer (+10.1%) and the list goes on. Additionally, these salaries vary when factoring in years of experience in those fields. As assumed, the longer years in experience, the higher the salary. Also, a salary will be boosted according to merit raises. Having certifications helps too, but more than half of technologist do not have certifications because they are not needed for their role. The most common certification to have in the tech field is CompTIA A+. Lastly, most employees have grown to say they are very satisfied with their salary or somewhat satisfied. Yet, a large group do believe they are slightly underpaid, in their opinion.

All in all, we are expected to see tech roles rise in salary again within the year, as they become more valued and high growing. There are several factors that influence this rise to average six figures, as discussed. With the trouble in staffing for these positions, it is hoped that more students will choose to major or have a focus in some sort of tech opportunity, leading them to assist the struggling businesses within our country. As we see the salary trend rise, and continuing to do so in 2022, it is in an organizations best interest to find young talent, improve recruiting tactics to well experienced individuals, or train current tech employees, although that will take time and patience.





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