Understanding best practices for security is often a pretty straightforward process, but sometimes it can be a bit tricky to explain. To help, we’ve outlined five of the best security practices that your business can take advantage of to maximize data security.
5 Security Practices You Should Be Using Today
- Change passwords frequently: Your team should always be practicing password security. Everyone should use different passwords for each of their account login credentials. And each password should be “complex.” Mix it up with lower and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Consider using an enterprise-level”Password Manager” to help remember your optimized passwords. And change your passwords often; it helps improve security.
- Monitor access logs: Most likely, you have several users who access your network on a daily basis. Each and every time they access it, there should be a log of who signed in, when, and where. This helps keep the security of your mission-critical systems in control.
You should especially keep an eye on administrator accounts. If hackers get hold of sensitive administrator credentials, they could “legitimately” log into your infrastructure and cause untold amounts of damage. This is dangerous because it completely bypasses your security measures. But by monitoring your access logs, you can stay abreast of who’s accessing the network, when, and if it all coordinates with your standard business operations.
- Restrict on a user basis: Not all your employees need access to sensitive information in order to perform their duties. For example, the average employee doesn’t need access to payroll information or personal records. That information should be privy only to management and financial or human resources staff. By restricting access to only qualified personnel, you limit internal exposure to sensitive information, which helps keep that critical information from leaking out through unauthorized sources.
- Integrate basic security measures: In cyber security, basic technologies can help you achieve maximum data security. Solutions like firewalls, antivirus, web content blockers, and spam filters, can all be very helpful toward limiting what threats make it into your network, and how you deal with the ones that do. All of this technology can be found in a Unified Threat Management solution, making it an ideal investment to optimize network security.
- Monitor and maintain technology solutions: Your business uses so many pieces of software that it can be challenging to keep up with all of the upgrades and patches. If you aren’t using the latest versions of applications and software, you’ll be taking an unnecessary risk by leaving open those flaws that your software providers have patched. You also leave yourself vulvnerable to violating compliance codes and potential data breaches.
For more information about how to keep your business safe from potential threats, contact CTN Solutions at 610-828-5500.