Why SMBs Need to Move Away from On-Premises Computing

August 28, 2015

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b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_server_400.jpgMost small and medium-sized businesses aren’t new to IT. For the past 15 years or so, SMBs have been attempting to keep up with their larger competitors through the implementation of technology systems. They’ve instituted computing systems from servers to workstations to mobile devices, peripheral technologies like fax machines and copiers, “state of the art” networking technology, and all other sorts of tech, just trying to keep a leg up on their competition.

The problem for these businesses is that every cent they spend on managing physical technology won’t necessarily produce much of a return on their substantial investments as they need to actively maintain the technology in order for it to work properly. This has left many companies hemorrhaging money by just trying to compete. If your business is still hosting all of its own IT infrastructure, it may be time for you to consider moving your IT out of your office.

While hosting your own IT has its benefits, for the small or medium-sized business it may bring more expense than it’s worth. In moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud or to a colocated data center, you may see a dramatic cost savings, or at the very least a shift in way your organization pays for its crucial IT systems. The cloud, in particular, offers many SMBs a very attractive value proposition: Receive a scalable IT infrastructure, hosted in a secure data center, with proactive maintenance, billed monthly as an operational cost.

For some SMBs it may not make sense to move your entire IT infrastructure to the cloud. In fact, some organizations, just like the idea that they are in complete control of their IT, or more specifically, their data. If your organization needs to adhere to often-complicated IT regulations, or if you just want the freedom to have control over your company’s IT management, you still don’t have to host your computing infrastructure on your premises. By purchasing server space in a colocation facility, you can set up a private cloud platform that provides your business with all the benefits of cloud computing (like cost savings) without having to relinquish complete control over your crucial IT systems.

The professional IT consultants at CTN Solutions can assess your situation and find a solution that works for your needs. We have a complete technical understanding of cloud computing systems, and how they fit into a SMB’s IT strategy. Our technicians can also assist your company in the proliferation of new computing systems to provide your organization with powerful functions such as communications (like VoIP and email), productivity application deployment, and even cloud-based security solutions.

It’s hard to ignore the benefits that moving all or some of your company’s computing infrastructure to the cloud can bring. For an organization that is looking to free up capital, or simply to increase mobility, cloud computing can be of real benefit. Call us today at (610) 828- 5500 to learn more about how moving your IT out of your office can really benefit your company.


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