CTN Expands its IT Staffing Practice

Did you know that CTN Solutions has a successful, global IT Staffing practice? The benefits of using an IT staffing firm to fill your temporary needs cannot be denied. Our services allow for greater flexibility, lower overhead costs, higher quality, and quicker hires...

How to Prevent a Business Email Compromise Attack

Did you know? Business email compromise is one of the most common threats today. It employs tactics like impersonating an executive, HR, or a trusted vendor to initiate fraudulent transfers of money. According to the FBI, $1.7 billion was lost to BEC in 2019 alone....

Reconsidering IT Principles Can Help Push Business Forward

It isn’t often that you’ll hear a managed service provider say something like, “There’s no school like the old school.” In many ways, however, the basic principles of a solid business IT strategy haven’t changed all that much… despite the momentous changes that we’ve...

Be Sure to Update Your Microsoft Passwords

The new year is upon us and after the debacle that 2020 was, it is extremely welcome. If you are like us, you have a new set of goals that you’ve created for yourself and are probably looking to improve your professional and personal well-being. One way to do that is...

How to Make Your Google Account More Secure

Going through your passwords and updating them every so often is a very wise habit to get into, particularly when they are used to protect a lot of data—as the password to your Google account often is. Considering this, let’s go over how to update your Google password...
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