Let Your MSP Guide Your Security Journey

In the ever-evolving world of technology, Managed Services Providers (MSPs) play a crucial role in helping your business manage IT and security operations. However, with the rapid pace of technological change and the uncertainties brought about by social, political,...

Forget Your Old Passwords

People continue to pick bad passwords. It may seem implausible but “123456,” “qwerty,” “admin,” and “password” remain commonly chosen passwords. Just as confounding, even after a breach, there’s evidence that...

Is Your Company Ready for a CYBERATTACK?

Is this a fair question? Can you really be ready for a cyberattack? It’s like an accident. Can you be ready for an accident? Yes, you can!  The thing is though, if you are not already prepared for a cyberattack, then you must not understand the serious and imminent...

License Pricing Changes

Microsoft has informed us that as of July 1, there will be an additional price increase of 20% if a client continues the subscription commitment on a month-to-month basis.  If the client agrees prior to that period to an annual subscription term, Microsoft will waive...
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