To BYOD, or Not To BYOD? That is the Question

BYOD refers to “bring your own device” — a business environment where employees of an organization are permitted to use their own laptops, tablets, and smartphones instead of company-issued equipment.  Why is this allowed? Aside from saving money, the primary reasons...
Welcome to Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Welcome to Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

October is recognized as cybersecurity awareness month. Hard to believe, but this marks the 18th year. Jointly formed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NSCA), the object of cybersecurity awareness...
Training is a Cyber Crime Defense

Training is a Cyber Crime Defense

An average organization is targeted by over 700 social engineering attacks in a year. Secure email gateways are no longer sufficient to defend against today’s sophisticated social-engineering attacks. Phishing is old news, but hackers are inventing ingenious ways to...
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