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Tip of the Week: Navigating a Cyber Resilience Strategy

Building a good foundation of cyber resiliency is not easy. Cybersecurity threats will continue to rise and look for new ways to damage your technology as time goes on. This makes it hard to keep up with and overwhelming to manage. This week’s tip will help you...

Interview Advice From CTN Solutions’ IT Staffing

Interviews are one of the most important opportunities to have a successful first impression for a potential job position. It is crucial that you come prepared and understand what exactly to avoid doing in order help yourself move along in the interview process. Rich...

AI and Machine Learning: Technology Trend for 2022

When looking into cybersecurity trends for 2022, a major topic is artificial intelligence and machine learning. If you are not familiar with these terms, Microsoft defines, artificial intelligence as “the capability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive...

IT and Cybersecurity Vacancies

IT workers are crucial ‘behind the scenes’ operators to have in a business and government sector. Technology security is a key element in protecting companies, but it has seemingly grown more difficult to fill IT positions who would be the ones to carry out the...

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Schools

We repeatedly hear about how cybersecurity is a must in any corporate business. Yet, a place we forget that also needs strong tech security is the education sector. Schools are just as an important industry as any other business that needs to take cybersecurity...

How to Prepare for a Possible Cyberattack from Russia

Russia’s invasion into Ukraine is very threatening the IT industry. Due to this, the White House is advising businesses to prepare for possible cyberattacks. Many businesses do not have MFA implemented, but with today’s environment and new outside threats, it is...

Forget Your Old Passwords

People continue to pick bad passwords. It may seem implausible but "123456," "qwerty," "admin," and "password" remain commonly chosen passwords. Just as confounding, even after a breach, there's evidence that people aren't changing, or still use the same old password,...

Top Tips: Protecting Against Phishing and Ransomware 

Many small and medium businesses (SMBs) who allowed employees to work remotely for the first time recently, have decided to continue to support remote work indefinitely, at least for some employees who prefer it and have proven they can work productively in that mode....

Is Your Company Ready for a CYBERATTACK?

Is this a fair question? Can you really be ready for a cyberattack? It’s like an accident. Can you be ready for an accident? Yes, you can!  The thing is though, if you are not already prepared for a cyberattack, then you must not understand the serious and imminent...

License Pricing Changes

Microsoft has informed us that as of July 1, there will be an additional price increase of 20% if a client continues the subscription commitment on a month-to-month basis.  If the client agrees prior to that period to an annual subscription term, Microsoft will waive...


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